April 29, 2014

Appropriate Liposuction Technique for Optimal Results

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures among both men and women. Using advanced technology and techniques, expert plastic surgeons help patients achieve their body contouring goals effectively and safely. Liposuction is not about losing weight – it’s about removing that stubborn fat that just refuses to go away despite rigorous diets and exercise. While there are several liposuction techniques available, the choice of the right method would ensure optimal results and minimal recovery times. In all of the methods, small incisions are made to insert a small cannula to remove the subcutaneous fat. With the advancements in the technology, liposuction can be used to treat different body areas including chest, breasts, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, upper arms, back, knees, and calves.

In tumescent liposuction, an anesthetic fluid is first injected into tissues before fat removal. This fluid contains agents that reduce bleeding and swelling, and relieves pain. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction makes use of sound waves to liquefy fat for removal through low-volume suction. This technique is ideal for larger amounts of fat, including adipose cells and collagen networks, making it ideal to treat areas with a lot of fibrous tissue, including gynecomastia or enlarged male breasts. 

Minimally-invasive laser-assisted liposuction is similar to traditional liposuction in that it requires the use of a tumescent solution before the removal of fat. The laser energy liquefies the fat and makes it easy to remove and also stimulates collagen production for better skin tightening benefits. SmartLipo by Cynosure is the first laser to be approved by the FDA for fat dissolution. Smartlipo Triplex features three powerful laser wavelengths and can treat all parts of the body prone to excess fat and loose skin. It is an effective option for delicate areas and those with skin laxity, such as the neck and arms. It comes with three intelligent delivery systems:

>> SmartSense™, an intelligent handpiece delivery system that distributes precise energy for optimal results

>> ThermaView™ allows precise control of energy application and helps prevent over-treatment

>> ThermaGuide™ enables selection of the right temperature settings for the delivery of laser energy

With proven tissue coagulation and skin tightening effects, and minimal pain and discomfort, Smartlipo laser liposuction is ideal for men who want six-pack abs and double chin correction.

The choice of the liposuction technique will depend on patient goals and physiological considerations, personal choices, and surgeon preference. However, regardless of the method chosen, optimal results can be obtained only when the procedure is performed by a qualified and trained plastic surgeon who has specific experience in the specific procedure.

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